Title: Facade
Authors: Ker Dukey & D.H. Sidebottom
Genre: Dark Erotic Thriller
Cover Design: Ker Dukey

WARNING! This book is Dark erotica.
This book contains situations that some may find offensive. If you are sensitive to graphic violence read with caution.
This book also leads into a second book. You will get answers but the story will continue into a final instalment. You have been warned. Enjoy.
You meet someone. You date. You fall in love. You marry. The four simple rules of love…. Wrong! I’m getting married but I’d never met him before now, never dated him, never fell in love. I have no access to the memories of the most magical time of anyone’s life. My mind won’t allow me to evoke the past, I can’t remember those simple stages to lead me to the fourth .
I can’t comprehend why I would have ever wanted to marry someone like Dante. I should never have passed the first stage, although, I may have seen him through the eyes of the woman I once was, this me that lives, breathes here now, can’t understand how we made it to the next stage. I’m not sure, without memories, how I know that this voice inside me, telling me I would never have chosen him, speaks some truth, I just know. He’s controlling, arrogant, callous and violent, and utterly hell bent on humiliating and degrading me – Like watching me falter, watching me struggle to comply and be the woman he asked to marry, powers him- as though he wants to break me piece by piece. Fiber by fiber. Until all that’s here is the shell he created from a soul that I once owned.
Now my memories are slowly returning. And they show me a completely different side to meeting him. Our dates, falling in love. The Dante haunting me in the shadows of my mind is loving, gentle and utterly enamored with me, nothing like the man with me now. And this is what taunts me. My tender lover turned into a debauched, cruel sadist who is determined to consume my life, destroy my mind and murder my spirit.
I am, Star, and just like with some stars in the sky, the light you see is an echo, a façade, I am already gone I am a no one. Especially to him. To him I am the dark in his desires, the corrupt in his depravity. The sin in his immorality
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As a fan of both Ker Dukey and D.H.
Sidebottom already, I know that when I open a book that they have written,
there is going to be some great things in store. However, when I opened Facade,
nothing could have prepared me for the twists, turns and complete shocker
moments in this book that had me on the edge of my seat and craving the next.
The first part of the story in some
ways is quite sinister in the fact that it is like Jekyll and Hyde. We’re given
little snippets of the past while we witness what is occurring in the present.
When you compare the two, they can’t be more different. How can someone’s life
change so dramatically and what would cause this to happen? This part of the
book is constant guessing games and ‘why’ moments. Were thrown into the darkness
with no recollection of what happened, we can only see the current moments and
watch the story play out. This part, although a litter darker was very
intriguing. A lot of questions needing to be answered but with every unravelling
and deepening of the twist, I was further and further engrossed in the story.
When we get to the ‘other’ side of the
story, again we are given more questions than answers and the plot seems to
become thicker and thicker. Its one hell of a rollercoaster ride and
throughout, although it did seem somewhat unbelievable it was amazing. I just
needed to know what happened next and who did this, what caused this, why did
this happen… I just couldn’t stop reading it until the very end.
This book is very hard to review
without giving away even the smallest of details that could hint at the plot.
All I can say is that it is sooo good and the twists contained are amazing. I
never saw them coming and when they did I was like, ‘OMG!!!’. This book is one
where you think that you finally have it sussed and know whats happening, only
for it to be the complete opposite and you’re left stumped and thinking ‘wow’.
There is definitely a love/hate relationship with some of the characters too as in some instances, were given a very soft and caring side to Dante and from these we see the good in him. Yet minutes later were back into reality with the different Dante who I really didn't like. There was something about him that was off. How could he really have both these personality traits and what is he up to? Then with Star you have nothing but compassion and frustration for her. You are willing her to understand and find out what is happening but at the same time, we're given such conflicting information on her and her interests too. It is throughout this that we question who the real Star is, and who is the real Dante? Are they both really built like this or is it all just one big show, one big facade?
Overall I don’t think I could praise
this book more. It’s almost like one big mind game and I loved how it kept you
guessing throughout. When the secrets are revealed one at a time, and the plot
begins to unravel, will it be who you thought it was? Did you really expect
that? Ker and D.H. Sidebottom have written one hell of book and I am eagerly
awaiting the sequel as I need to know what happens next and
what is in store for everyone in the book. Can’t wait!

I have always had a passion for storytelling, whether it be through lyrics or bed time stories with my sisters. I wanted to be an actress growing up so I could live many roles but I learned early on that my mind was too active... I would want to change the script.I would watch films and think of ways they could of improved the story if they took another direction so i thought it best that i tell my own.
My mum would always have a book in her hand when I was young and passed on her love for reading, inspiring me to venture into writing my own. I tend to have a darker edge to my writing. Not all love stories are made from light, some are created in darkness but are just as powerful and worth telling.
When I'm not lost in the world of characters I love spending time with my family. I'm a mum and that comes first in my life but when I do get down time I love attending music concerts or reading events with my younger sister.
You can find me on Facebook where i love interacting with my readers.
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Author of The Heart of Stone, Room 103 and Shadows of Sin series, and the new Blue Butterfly series.
D H Sidebottom is a fulltime mum/author. She lives in Derbyshire, England with her children and two dogs. She is an avid reader and her tastes range from horror to erotic, but she loves to help new authors get into the ‘scene’. She loves rock music and tattooed guys, and has a weakness for coffee, wine and Belgium buns
::::connect with d.h. sidebottom here::::
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