Into The Unknown
Bethany Shaw - Blog Tour
the Unknown
Gene has taken control of his pack after the
devastating loss of his father, Rick the alpha. He has been preparing for this
his entire life, but nothing could have prepared him for the brewing war, or
the beautiful Talia.
Talia trusts no one. If she had it her way she would
take her son and run far away from everyone. But, she wouldn’t get far with her
psychotic family after her. Going against her better judgment, she teams up
with Gene in an attempt to end her family’s tyranny.
Chapter One
Gene Harris breathed in the sticky summer air as he ran a hand
through his mussed, sweaty russet colored hair. Crickets chirped in the
background, and the gravel crunched beneath his feet as he made his way up to
the main house. He had just checked in with the night watch for the evening,
and was ready to go to bed. It seemed like the days were jam-packed, while the
nights were too short. It was overwhelming. His late father made it all look so
easy, but Gene was beginning to wonder if he had the makings of an alpha. Not
that he could ever let his doubt show. With a war brewing, he could not afford
to appear weak.
The bright white lights of the ranch shone
in his eyes as he rounded the corner of the barn. His eyes grew heavier with
each step, exhausted, he was glad to be home. He froze. Soft calculated
footsteps padded towards him. Narrowing his eyes, he looked around. There was
no one in sight. The footsteps faltered and stilled. Gene clenched his fists,
fearing that someone had snuck onto the property. Inhaling a deep breath, he
tried to place their scent. There was an unusually strong aroma of pine and
dirt. The disgruntled alpha suppressed the growl that was bubbling up in his
throat. Whoever it was, they’d taken the pains to deliberately mask their
scent. Rocks skidded behind him as the intruder tried to backtrack. Turning on
his heel, he sprung toward the side of the out-building-gripping the intruder’s
arm tightly-and shoved them against the wood siding of the barn.
He growled, his eyes widening and dilating as they took on a
golden hue. Anger surging through him, he took in the person who had been
sneaking around.
Fierce chestnut eyes met his as the slender
form struggled against his grip. Her long coffee colored hair fell into her
eyes as she fought to free herself. Recognizing the terrified woman, Gene
released his grip and took a small step back. The alpha closed his eyes,
shifting them back to their normal chocolate color, in hopes that this would
make him seem less threatening.
“I didn’t realize you were out,” Gene said,
appraising Natalia. “Why are you sneaking around out here?”
Her fist flew out of nowhere striking him
across the jaw. Gene blinked as pain exploded in his mouth. His hand flying to
his cheek as he tried to work the pain away by opening and closing his mouth.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized, realizing the irony of his words as he said them.
Still, it hadn’t been his intent to alarm her.
“Do not touch me,” she hissed venomously,
shrinking back against the red planks. Chestnut eyes became slits as she
clenched her fists—probably so she could strike out again, if needed. Fear
rolled off of her in waves, surrounding him with the putrid stench of soured
“I didn’t realize anyone else was out here.
Is everything okay?” Gene questioned, taking another step back. He raised his
hands in the air, keeping them where she could see them. To his knowledge,
Natalia rarely ventured out of her bedroom. He didn’t want to be the reason
that trend continued.
“I am fine,” Natalia snapped. She edged her
way along the building, her eyes watching him the whole way.
“Let me escort you back in,” Gene offered,
maneuvering himself so he was in front of her.
“I do not need your help,” Natalia snarled
as she recoiled away from him.
“It’s late, you shouldn’t be out here
alone,” Gene commented, looking up at the star covered sky. He could not help
but wonder where she had been, and why she’d needed to sneak around. “We’re on
high alert. You could have been hurt, wandering around out here like that.”
Although Natalia had been living under his roof for over a month
now, Gene could count the number of times he’d seen her on one hand. Perhaps it
was time he learn more about the elusive she-wolf. “You know you can come and
go as you please. There is no need to sneak around out here. You should tell
someone where you’re going so this doesn’t happen again. You should also
consider getting an escort. And you absolutely should not be masking
your scent. I thought you were an intruder. A war is on the horizon.”
“I just want to be left alone so I can change in peace,” she
“And I’m just trying to protect everyone in my pack,” Gene stated.
Instead of responding, Natalia shot him a lethal glare. Her lip
curled in anger, and her brown eyes turned yellow. He could not be sure if she
was angry, or if she still felt threatened. With a low growl, she pushed past
him and darted the rest of the way to the main house. Yanking the door nearly
off its hinges, she dashed inside, thudding up the wooden steps to her bedroom.
Gene shook his head and sighed. The beautiful brown-haired woman
was a mystery to him. He knew that Natalia often spoke to Lark, his cousin’s
girlfriend, but the blonde human refused to spill any details. He wished there
were something more he could do to help the young she-wolf feel more at home at
the ranch. Gene had thought about pushing Natalia to open up to him, but not
knowing the full extent of the abuse she’d received from Juarez and Emmett
McKinley, gave him pause. Instead, he had opted to let her come out of her own
Shaking his worries away, he entered the house and sought out his
own bed. He was far too tired to contemplate things tonight.
Natalia shut the white oak door behind her, leaning back against
it as she panted heavily. Lark, who had been watching after her son, Adrian,
stood up from the bed with a worried look on her face. Natalia’s heart beat
wildly in her chest as she tried to regain her composure. Closing her eyes to
gather her thoughts, she forced even breaths in and out of her nose. When she
opened them again, she turned to the bassinet, checking to see if her son was
still asleep.
“Is everything okay?” Lark asked, taking a step toward the
she-wolf. Natalia nodded and forced a smile as she trailed a gentle finger down
the blanket her son was swaddled in. He looked so peaceful.
“Yes,” Natalia said.
“He hasn’t made a peep,” Lark assured her. “Did you have a good
“I feel better now, thank you,” Natalia mumbled, willing her
terrified nerves to relax.
A cold chill zipped down her spine and she tensed, clasping her
hands tightly to keep the shaking at bay. She shouldn’t wait so long to
transition anymore; it wasn’t good for her health.
“What happened?” Lark asked, frowning.
“The alpha…he heard me coming back and…” Natalia paused to look at
Lark, whose blue eyes widened as she waited for the she-wolf to continue.
“Anyway, he startled me and I…I punched him.”
“You punched Gene?” Lark asked slowly as a small smile slid across
her face.
“I suppose it was instinct,” Natalia mumbled, her face reddening
as guilt consumed her. She had acted impulsively; her nerves had already been frayed
from the rough transition. The alpha had done nothing to her as of yet, and,
for that, she was more than grateful.
“Do you think he will be angry?”
Lark shook her head. “No. Gene was never one to hold a grudge. But
you should talk to him. He is a good guy, and I’m sure you’d like to be a
productive member of the ranch.”
Natalia sighed and nodded. What she really wanted was to leave
this place—to find a place where she could live safely with Adrian. But she
doubted that such a place existed.
“I will think on it. I am sure that, if Gene is back, Devon must
be waiting for you at his home.” Forcing a tight-lipped smile, Natalia squeezed
her hands tighter, hoping to keep her trembling hands out of sight.
Lark grinned and tucked a blonde curl behind her ear. “I should
probably get going. I’ll stop by tomorrow, though.”
“I will see you then,” Natalia said as Lark left, softly clicking
the door shut behind her.
Natalia walked to the door, flipping the lock. It wouldn’t keep
anyone out if they truly wanted in, but at least she would wake up if the lock
were broken. She flopped down on the bed with a sigh, closing her eyes and
wrapping her arms around her torso. Natalia’s body tensed, and she cringed as a
numbing pain jolted through her limbs.
Breathing deeply, she focused on Larks words, hoping they’d pull
her out of her episode. Lark was right; she would have to venture out of this
room eventually. If the alpha was giving her freedom, she should learn as much
as she could about the pack and their mannerisms. She’d spent too much time
locked up as a prisoner before arriving at the ranch. Now, she was no longer a
prisoner, but she had no way of knowing how long that would last. Better to
gather information for an escape now, than to wait for the alpha to act later.
The spasms finally slowed as sleep gnawed at the back of her mind.
Burrowing into the pillows, she pictured the ocean—home.
Gene let out a long breath and relaxed back into his leather
chair. After his run-in with Natalia last night, he’d been too wired to sleep.
He wasn’t quite sure why, but he was paying for it today. The day seemed to be
moving in slow motion.
He’d finally finished all of his pack business for the day, and
now he needed to move on to paperwork for the ranch. Turning to his computer,
he typed in his password. Just as he was about to pull up his files, he was
interrupted by the shrill ringing of the phone.
He cleared his throat. “Hello?”
Gene was greeted by an all-too-cheerful voice on the other end.
“Gene Harris, it’s Fernando Juarez.”
Gene tensed, grasping the phone tighter. It had been a month since
he’d heard from the dangerous alpha of the Gulf packs. Not wanting the other
alpha to know he was startled, he responded, “I was beginning to wonder when we
would hear from you again.”
Fernando chuckled into the phone. “My apologies, son. I’ve been
quite busy with other affairs. I did call to inquire about my granddaughter,
Natalia, and my great grandson or granddaughter.”
Granddaughter? Gene hadn’t realized
Natalia was related to Fernando. “They are fine,” he replied, keeping his voice
calm and even. The phone, however, crackled under his grip as he tightened his
“Well, I’m glad to hear it. I just wanted to extend an offer to
her; she is more than welcome to come home anytime she pleases. We miss her
here. Family belongs with family, don’t you agree?” Fernando inquired. His
voice was light, but Gene could hear the underlying threat.
“The decision is hers. If she chooses to return to your home, I
would never stop her,” Gene said honestly. From what he’d seen of Natalia,
however, he highly doubted she would want to return home. Still, uncertainty
crept through him. There wasn’t much he knew about her, and he realized that it
was high time he got to know the woman taking refuge at his ranch. Natalia had
come with them willingly when they had rescued Lark and Emily from the McKinley
homestead a few weeks ago. Gene had left her alone until now, knowing that she
was a new mother and already frightened. This was not, however, a viable option
any longer. One way or another, she was going to become a productive member of
his pack.
“Of course it is,” Fernando replied, laughing heartily. “Just send
her my best wishes, will you?”
“I’ll let her know. Was there another reason for your call?” Gene
“Actually, I was planning a trip to Louisiana in a few weeks.
Perhaps I will stop by to meet with you. I like to know who my neighbors are.”
“I wouldn’t exactly call us neighbors. New Mexico is several
hundred miles from Abilene,” Gene said, an edge creeping into his voice.
“I’ll let you think on it. After all, my granddaughter is living
in your home. I will be in touch to work out the details,” Fernando said
Gene opened his mouth to respond when the line clicked and went
dead. With a low growl, he hung up the phone. It seemed their reprieve from the
Gulf packs was up. Taking his cell phone out, he pounded in his cousin Devon’s
number. In order to decide on the best course of action, he would need to
collaborate with the other alpha.
He had just started to dial the number when he heard a knock on
his office door. The knob jiggled and turned as Devon entered. “I was just
getting ready to call you,” Gene said, sitting back in his chair.
“I came over with Lark. She’s upstairs with Natalia,” Devon said
as he sank into the leather chair opposite Gene. “The two of them have really
hit it off.”
“Fernando Juarez just called,” Gene said, cutting straight to the
Devon’s hazel eyes flashed gold for a moment before returning to
normal. “What did he want?”
“He offered Natalia the opportunity to come home, and wants to
come here to meet with me.”
“Didn’t we do this with him already?” Devon asked, referring to a
similar conversation they’d had a month ago.
“I think he’s serious this time, Dev,” Gene said. “We knew he
wasn’t going to just let things go. For whatever reason, he’s decided that he
wants to pursue us again.”
“Then we should send Preston and Vincent out to speak with other
packs sooner rather than later,” Devon surmised.
Gene nodded in agreement. “If we’re going to stand any chance, we
need more manpower. Juarez mentioned that he was heading to Louisiana.”
“You think he’s doing the same thing?”
“I certainly wouldn’t put it past him,” Gene said, running a hand
over the stubble that adorned his jaw. “I think he wants as many wolves under
his control as he can possibly get. We need to plead our case to the packs we
think will be most sympathetic to our case. The way I figure it, there are
three kinds of packs. There are those that believe in his barbaric, old school
ways of owning women and forcing them to mate. There are those that will bow
down out of fear. And there are those like us, who aren’t afraid to stand up
for what is right.”
“We have three fertile women here, four if you include Em. They
will be an allure to the men. We want to make sure that we attract the right
kind of wolves here,” Devon said quietly.
“Agreed,” Gene acknowledged. “The last thing we need is for men
coming, thinking they are going to find a mate here, or force one of their
hands. Maddie and Amelia, I’m not worried about so much; your mother watches
after them like a hawk. Emily and Marcus are mated, which should be a strong
deterrent. It’s Natalia…” Gene trailed off. He swallowed. The need to protect
her overwhelmed him. He wanted to shelter her—keep her safe—soothe away her
“I think she can fend for herself,” Devon chuckled. “Lark
mentioned the two of you had a run-in last night.”
Gene’s hand instinctively drifted to the corner of his jaw. There
had been a well-defined bruise last night. Thanks to his accelerated healing,
the blemish was barely noticeable today. “She can. If she is ever going to feel
at home here, we need to use caution. She reacted out of fear when I approached
her last night. I imagine she keeps herself locked up in that room because she
is afraid of us.” He paused, replaying Juarez’s words in his head. “Did you
know she is Juarez’s granddaughter?”
“No.” Devon frowned as he leaned forward. “That’s an interesting
development, unless you think he is lying?”
“I don’t see why he would lie about that,” Gene said, running a
hand through his hair. “I need to know what Natalia knows. If anything she
could be a good ally.”
“We both know you’re more of a people person than I am,” Devon
Gene laughed, knowing the truth behind the statement. “Perhaps
I’ll go up now.”
“You and Adrian should come down for dinner tonight. Sunday
dinners are always the best,” Lark said as she tickled Adrian’s belly.
Natalia smiled at the sound of her son’s cooing. “I don’t think
“If you’re worried about Gene-”
“It’s not that,” Natalia said cutting Lark off. “I do not trust
Daniel or Claire.” Or anyone! She thought to herself. If she could run
away, she would. She’d come to the awful realization that there was nowhere for
her to go. This pack seemed nicer, but she was still a prisoner.
“Sarah, Emily, and I are going shopping next weekend. Fall is
almost here, and Sarah wants to get some new clothes before she goes to
college. You and Adrian could come with us,” Lark said, glancing up to meet
Natalia’s gaze.
“I don’t know,” Natalia hesitated. She would like to get out and
resume a normal life. “You’re going by yourselves?”
“Devon and Marcus will probably be there-maybe Preston-but I doubt
they’ll be hovering. After the kidnappings, Devon and Gene aren’t taking any
chances with anyone. They’ll probably stay far away from us while we shop, but
with everything that is going on, it isn’t safe for us to just go out,” Lark
rambled, chewing on her bottom lip.
“I will think about it,” Natalia said with a sigh. She hadn’t been
shopping in close to a year now. It would be nice to get out. To have clothes
of her own to wear again.
“Nobody here is going to hurt you, Talia,” Lark reminded her. “If
you want to talk about what happened…”
“I don’t,” Natalia snapped. Shivers zipped down her spine as her
mother’s dead, haunted eyes flashed in her mind.
Lark opened her mouth to respond, but quickly closed it when
someone knocked loudly on the door. Natalia gripped the green bed sheets in her
hand as Lark set Adrian down in the bassinet.
“Who is it?” Lark asked, making her way to the door and resting her
hand on the knob.
“It’s Gene. I need to speak with Natalia,” the alpha’s voice
called from the other side.
Natalia tensed as the door creaked open, gritting her teeth as the
alpha glanced at her.
“Hey Lark,” Gene greeted with a warm smile before turning his
intent brown eyes on Natalia. “Do you mind helping Claire out in the kitchen? I
need to have a few words with Natalia.”
“Oh, um, sure,” Lark said, glancing between the two of them.
“Thanks,” Gene said, opening the door wider so Lark could exit.
Natalia swallowed as Lark gave her one last look before exiting
the room. Fear gripped her as the cream-colored walls seemed to close in on
her. She could only imagine what he was going to force her to do. She’d been
waiting for him to make demands. It appeared today was the day.

Buy Links:
Out of the Shadows, book 1 in the
Werewolf Wars Series
In an attempt to save his sister, Emily, from becoming a breeder, Devon Harris defies his
alpha and flees his home with his sister. They seek refuge at his Uncle Rick's
ranch, unintentionally laying the foundation for a war between the packs. There
he meets the fiery human Lark. In the midst of a war, does he dare let himself
fall for her?
Rick Harris has been like a second father to Lark Davies since her parents died
in an accident three years ago. As the sole guardian of her younger sister and
the owner of her own bakery, Lark doesn't have time for a social life. When
Rick's nephew comes to town, sparks immediately begin to fly as Lark finds
herself drawn even further into the werewolf world.
Out of the Shadows is the first book in the Werewolf Wars
Buy Links:
Author Links:
Twitter link @Bethany17801501
About the Author:
Shaw lives in Ohio with her husband and two children. She has been married to
her husband for nine years and her children are five and two. She enjoys
spending time with her family and friends. Some of her other hobbies include,
reading, jogging, and family bike rides.
has always been a passion of hers and she is thrilled to share her work with
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